Thursday, October 29, 2015

Trunk-or-Treat and other Tricks

Trunk-or-Treating is the cool thing to do instead of trick-or-treating these days.  We decided to participate in this Halloween festivity.  It was actually our first time because trunk-or-treat probably became popular 10 years ago or so.  Since then I have not been participating in the candy giving or receiving. My rating of trunk-or-treat on a scale of 1-10 would be rated around a 4...Positives might include that it is safe, kids get candy, and you can decorate your trunk.  It's pretty lame because kids just run around in a circle getting as much candy as they want without having to work for it, there is suddenly no option of actually giving out a "trick" instead of a "treat", and it is over way too quick.
We decorated our trunk like a birthday party! Really cool Glow-in-the-Dark balloons that I must have for my next Birthday Bash!

Inside the church during the Halloween Carnival
We are dressed up as my favorite thing: A BIRTHDAY PARTY! Yvonne is a cupcake with a candle on top, I am a pinata and Matt is a birthday present!
Yvonne is changing on us! It seems that Yvonne kind of does the same things for awhile and then all of a sudden Matt and I say to each other "Yvonne is different!" She is growing up and it is too soon! We were leaving for church and our neighbor was talking to us as a fly flew up in Yvonne's face.  Our neighbor Juanita said, "Oh that fly comin' to steal some of yo' suga'!" while waving the fly out of Yvonne's face.  She is changing but still as sweet as sugar!
Yvonne practicing sitting up

She can only sit up for so long before she tips over! But she has fun doing it!

Yevvie is so animated and giggly these days awwwwwe:)
There are a lot of different suggestions on when to start solid foods for babies...Yvonne is almost 5 months and seemed interested in food, so we gave her some ice cream because it is my favorite! 
Just is only rice cereal.

First bite of rice cereal
From this picture it looks like she has still not taken any bites of rice cereal...

Yvonne can do a lot of cool tricks and I have been working on my own.  I have been really getting into Yoga lately!  It has been good for my body, soul and mind.  I have always had some anxiety issues (remember when I cried the whole way in and out of Coyote Gulch because I was so afraid of heights?!?).  Now I worry about much more important things such as being a new mom, moving to a new place, dealing with A LOT of bills.  So I practice Yoga.  I still run, which has also been a major de-stressor in my life, and now I love Yoga too! Matt sometimes does Yoga with me.  It is not only a girl thing.  At first women can really excel in yoga through flexibility and men can really excel in the strength area in yoga.  Then ta-da, if you practice a lot you can get stronger and more flexible in body and mind. (sorry about the yoga plug! but try it! you will like it!)

A warm up move

Grasshopper!! I have been practicing this move for a couple weeks and I finally did it!

 Matt is in the Young Men's presidency in our church and he got to go on a campout! Everyone was in hammocks and he didn't even need a coat in October! Two things that wouldn't happen in Utah (I still love you Utah!)

Matt's new office at work
We went with some of Matt's classmates to Moss Rock for a little hike:)
Earth Family:Tie-dye, tribal headbands, and those shorts Matt wears every single day


  1. Heather! You are a yoga master! Seriously-so awesome! Do you use a DVD or You Tube video? I want to do more yoga...but I'm bad at just doing it on my own. I need someone to tell me what to do. Someday we'll live close to each other and we can yoga every day.

    You should teach yoga!

    1. Another reason I like yoga so much is because it is so cheap!!! I mean you don't even need clothes...I have rented some DVDs from the library but I didn't like them so much. I liked a few free Yoga classes when I lived in Utah. I haven't found a good free on here in Alabama. So I use YouTube!! My favorites are Tim and Lesley!

  2. Looks like fun times. Sorry your trunk or treat was a little lame...we always like ours...but I totally understand the gripe about kids not working for the candy. You should make them do a yoga pose next year before treating them.

    1. Good idea! We should also make it more exciting by giving out a full meal like your family does!

  3. I love that matt wears those pants so much! And Yevvie is hilarious!
