Monday, October 5, 2015

We are the Running Family

Some of you might know us as "the running couple" ha ha ok totally kidding!! But our friends Chris and Karley did make us this wonderful magnet featured below.  And yes it is on our help us remember who we are...he he 
They admitted to stalking our social media accounts to obtain these photos.  But we love the magnet and more than that-we love them! It is true Matt and I both really like to run.  I would even dare say that running is what brought us together.  My younger siblings, Kim and Kyle, were on the SHS cross-country team together with Matt and it is through them that I met Matt.  We have made it a goal to always stay active and running is our favorite way to do that! 
Coming to Birmingham has been a new running experience!  I have been getting back into running since after having Yvonne (I totally did not run the last trimester of pregnancy!) So I have been getting used to that.  When we first got here the humidity and hills killed us!! Utah has mountains but when you are in Utah Valley-it really is a valley! Our neighborhood is full of rolling hills.  Every run felt like hill training.  We are getting a little more used to it now and we have found more route options.  I really like the humidity and the glowing skin it gives me.  Running in humidity is wet.  Real wet.  Matt was running with some friends and he thought it was raining.  Nope-it was just the  sweat beads flying off of the guy next to him:)  When I ran my pony-tail would act as a windshield wiper on my swack (sweaty back).
Matt signed us up for a running club.  They have runs twice a week with water stops along the way.  Matt usually goes every Saturday morning for their longer runs (10-15 mi.)  He really likes it!  Saturday we decided to both go out and do it.  It was the Vulcan 10k race course with chick-fil-a after.  How could you say no to that?!  There is about 100 people that came to the run and we saw two other running clubs downtown! The Black Men Run Club and the Black Girls Run Club (only in Alabama).  We were the only ones with a stroller.  I liked it because it slowed Matt down considerably!  Yvonne was a happy baby during it:)
First time as the running family.

Matt running through the Rainbow tunnel downtown Birmingham.  The city put those lights up to keep the homeless out (so they don't sleep?? IDK)
Friday we had date night at a restaurant suggested by a classmate.  Not my favorite place to eat but I loved this kid that stared at us the whole time. The food was not memorable (sadly) but this boy was! 
The boy in the corner...

Yvonne has been kind of a stinker lately with the whole sleeping thing.  I thought once a baby sleeps through the night you are good-to-go! Well that is not the case...Yvonne used to be the best sleeper So it has brought us to experiment with different methods.  We are still swaddling her.  She likes it!! There are so many opinions on the internet about when to stop swaddling... We decided that no one really knows exactly how to just have to do what feels right for you and your babe.  We are most recently letting Yvonne cry and put herself to sleep.  She did good the first and second night! The first night it only took 20 minutes of crying.  The crying was probably worse for mom and dad (super sad!).  We played a game of Bananagrams (trying to take our minds off of the crying) and we had our timer out.  We checked on her every three minutes.  After six times of checking on her (patting her belly, telling her we loved her, cheering her on) she was finally asleep! Then she slept 'til 7 am.  Yay! Hopefully it just keeps getting better.

Dad and his professional bundling skills


  1. Your sleeping plan sounds like a good one! Hopefully it works!!!!! You guys are totally the running couple! Maybe someday Ben and I will fit that description, but I kind of doubt it...oh well, one can hope!

  2. We are more like the she runs and he drives a scooter next to her couple! The blog is a great little window into the Bama life of the Bonners!
